Thursday, 15 September 2011

Week Six: Exploring the Scenario

 Hello there!
This week has been all about the SCENARIO! It's very important we get it down packed, as until we discusss what the scenario is, it will be impossible to move forward with the project.
With the thought of our project in mind "burning the candle at both ends" there is much that could be associated with this project, which include:
  • Heat/warmth
  • Light
  • Movement
  • Balance
  • Presence
My job is to decide which way we are going to take the design and figure out exactly what element(s) is the most important to our product and consequently, scenario.
After doing a bit of a brain storm....

...we found that there are numerous amounts of scenarios this product can be represented in. This includes:
  • Scenario option one: Work/Study (original idea), highlighting light, balance, presence and movement
  • Scenario option two: Long distance Lovers, highlighting light, presence and warmth/heat
  • Scenario option Three: Late evening arrtists, highlighting light, balance and movement
  • Scenario option four: Competitive environment, highlighting movement
  • Scenario option five: Problem sleepers, highlighting light, warmth and presence
  • Scenario option six: Natural disaster victims, highlighting warmth and presence
  • Scenario option seven: Case of emergency, highlighting presence
A more detailed overview of these seven scenario options can be found below, which include the process of how each of these would change the product, and hence how the product would work, as well as a storyboard and detailed considerations of each scenario. (please refer to BURNING THE CANDLE STORY BOARDS and DNB601 BURNING THE CANDLE STUFF)  
Hopefully we will be able to decide our scenario by next week as we have planned to nail down the scenario this week! Until next time!


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