Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Week Five: MOOD HELMET; making the model and working out the sensory input (for demonstration purposes!)

So I've made quite a bit of progress on my model lately. I went down to Kmart and purchased a ten dollar helmet, and also some little flash lights, and also some tape to create the 'colours' of the moods. I've simply used zip ties to connect them to the helmet. Find pictures below:
Yellow representing Caution

Green representing 'Go Ahead'

For demonstration purposes (for the presentation), I'm simply going to press the flash light, which will light up the light and indicate the persons mood. However, in real terms (and if it was possible for me to demonstrate) I would either:
A. Have it connected to someones heart rate so it could monitor there changes in heart beat which are directly rated to someones mood
B. Have it connected to someones body temperature, as the higher temperature in the body represents a higher amount of stress in the body (which would therefore indicate RED being signaled for BEWARE!)
C. Have sensory modes connected via electromagentic connections to sensor someones brain waves and brain acitivity, as this is also directly related to someones mood.
Ideally, one of these three solutions should be implemented into the MOOD HELMET, as this indicates the sensory 'input-output' representation. However, for demonstration purposes in Week 5, i will simply demonstrate by pressing the button on the light. However, it wouldn't hurt to mention these three options!
So, more model making to do, and also I have some boards/video to make. Until next time!


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