Monday, 22 August 2011

Week Four: Exploring input-output human beahviour interaction

So in our last tutorial, we did a few concept bombs on 'human behaviour interaction' I found this really helpful as it allowed me elaborate on last week (which was simply pulling stuff a part) as opposed to actually thinking of what I could design. The first thing I did, was a bit of a brain storm on some random ideas:
This mainly looked at relationships, feeding off different sensory inputs and outputs and how this could be achieved. We were then given three different examples to work for our concept bomb. Concept one looked at interaction between a family member/friend. I came up with 'Grandmas Gallery' which allowed children to draw on a fridge which could then be uploaded to the corresponding Grandmas fridge, which creates 'Grandmas Gallery'. This in essence, allows for the Grandmother, or any other family member for that matter, to have an active role in the child's life, even though they may not be present with them. I also was considerate of the role of technology with elderly people, therefore the child will be the only one interacting with the technology, and the elderly person will be the one recieving the information. You can find concept bomb 1 below:
Concept two got us to look at loved ones that were seperated and how they could stay in touch whilst being away from eachother. Having experienced a long distance relationship myself before, I thought about what would be really useful for this situation. As many people lead very busy lifes, its very hard to constantly be on the phone calling your loved one, texting them, or sending them an email. Often, its just nice to notify the person that yes, you are thinking of them, and yes, you do miss them. So, naturally, I thought of how to do this in a quick convienient way. Whether your rushing between offices, or about to catch a plane, the 'I'm thinking of you spheres' allows one person to know that they are thinking of them with the simple squeeze of the device. When it is squeezed, the other vibrates and lights up, and vice versa. This gives a quick, easy and simple way of demonstrating to the other person that you miss them. The concept bomb can be found below:
Concept three looked at interaction between friends which could either locate a friend, or update the 'status' or 'mood' of that friend. This instantly made me think of music festivals, and how easy it is to get lost at a music festival, or a club for that matter. So i thought, wouldnt it be great to have a small device that says 'come and find me!'. Therefore, concept three is the 'come find me buzzer'. Its concept is pretty straight forward; its a small wrist-like device, and when you want to find your friend, you simply press the button which reciprocates with the corresponding buzzer. The recipricate presses a button which tells the person where they are, so they are able to locate them. The concept bomb can be found below:
I also looked at reciprocating colours that it could refer to as a 'mood application', blue representing calm, green representing surprised, yellow representing happy, and red representing anger or frustration. This is an added bonus to the 'come find me buzzer' and displays extra additional information. A close up of this can be found below:
We were then asked to judge eachothers and look around the room at all the designs. And Concept Two was the most popular, with three coming a close second. (poor concept #one, nobody liked you!) :

This corresponded with my thoughts, as I liked concept two the most. I will continue working on concept two, to see what I can come up with. So, until next time! :)


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