Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Week 9: Narrative, Brief and hard evidence SORTED!

What a successful week! It was important that for my section on SCENARIO I had the narrative, brief and hard eveidence (backing up our theory and explanation) sorted BEFORE the design freeze this week. And thankfully, that actually happened! It actually got sorted, hoorah!

You can find a small brain storm on the narative, a drapht of the narrative and final of the narrative below: (PLEASE REFER TO NARRATIVE)
The brief can be found below: (this still needs to be fixed up before the final submission, i guess you could say this is a draft) (PLEASE REFER TO DESIGN BRIEF)
And lastly, below you can find the link to the hard evidence that backs up our theories of presence, motivation and movement when working in a collaborative team:
There is a particular part of this document that proves extremely useful to our product:

"Present data shows that the cortical response to sustained emotional visual stimulation presented within indirect tasks provides information and influence on attention, motivation and motor-related biases that complement information obtained under experimental conditions"

This is extremely important and vital to why our product exists and will be deemed at useful.

There are also other documents that I researched which also pose of importance to the project which can be found below: (please refer to the REFERENCE LIST provided for details on all journal articles sourced)

Furthermore, there was also some broad research I did on the topic of lateral thinking and collaboration which is highlighted throughout our design: Please refer to DNB601 Burning the candle stuff
Until next time!


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