Monday, 7 November 2011

Week 15: Wrapping it up!

So the presentation went wonderfully! And the last two weeks have been all about getting the submission finished and finalised. The boards are now complete, as well as the specification report! So now its all just a matter of handing it in this afternoon. Thanks so much to Marienalla, Yasu and Tim for all their help on this assignment. It was a pleasure working on it, and we had lots of fun playing with model-making, and conducting the video. So thats it, hope you've enjoyed!

Week 14/15: Submission!

So the submission includes:
Design spec report
Presentation board
CDs with everything on it!

With the design spec report pretty much finished, we've been working lots on the presentation boards, with my role primarily being with editing the images in photoshop. An example of these can be found below:

Until next time!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Week 13: The Final Scenario video!

So here it is! Finally the finished video is completed! We all had an absolute blast working on this and were really very happy with out the final outcome came out! Enjoy! You can find the video here on Mikes Blog:
You can also find the link below to our final presentation (which changed a lot from the last screen shots that were made.
Until next time!