This week is all about planning for the SCENARIO VIDEO.
A rough plan of what we think we will do can be seen below:
As its a bit difficult to read, I will outline what the basic plan is.
We require:
- 5 characters
- 5 different scenarios
- 1 x levi-mate device (behaviour working model)
- Lots of props
Scene 1. Introduction page "Levi-Mate. Raising the collaborative spirit"
Scene 2. 5 x characters all waving at eachother in motion. Introduce the mission, project, due date and IMPOSSIBILITY of collaborating and getting it done on time
Scene 3/4/5/6/7. Introducing each individual character
Character One: Sylvia (our PRIME CENTRAL example)
Character Two: John
Character Three: Mike
Character Four: Kahlia
Character Five: Dave
Each character has distinct characteristics about themselves which differentiate one from the other. Each has a 'PROCRASTINATION LEVEL' indicating 'LOW' 'MEDIUM' 'HIGH' ect
Scene 8. All 5 x characters entering and exiting 5 x different scenarios dependent on when they are working on the specific project and when they are not. This is all dependent on the individuals characteristics and their tendencies towards study.
Scene 9. Credits
NOTE FOR PRESENTATION// It's really important that we show in the presentation that Sylvia (our PRIME CENTRAL example) and her needs are linked into inclusive design. As we have established that Sylvia has a hearing impairment,its important we encorporate this in 'the client' section (i.e.; Sylvia has a hearing impairment) and in the 'client needs' section (i.e.; a device that is highly visually stimulating due to her inability to hear at full capacity)
It's very important to create COHESION between Sylvia, universal/inclusive design and our product solution: The Levi-Mate.